An overview of partner events
I4ADA participates in various fora.
We would like to meet you in person
during one of our partner events.

An overview of recent events of interest
In the last week of January ’25 about 2500 students from all over the globe…
Governing AI for the Good of Humanity
This conference is organized by the Yale Global Justice program of Yale University. I4ADA has…
I4ADA was invited to participate at the World Conference on Innovation Technology (WCIT2024) in Yerevan,…
South Africa Netherlands Cyber Security School 2024
The Institute for Accountability in the Digital Age is proud to be part of SANCS24….
The WCIT | IDECS 2023 summit organized by the WITSA and the Malaysian government toke place last month in…
WCIT2023 – Kuching, Borneo
The World Innovation, Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) will host the 27th World Congress on…
AIforGood – Geneva
I4ADA is invited to moderate the session on ‘Ethical AI and AGI for Sustainable Development’…
I4ADA keynote
I4ADA was invited to deliver a keynote opening at the “2nd conference within the framework…
Internet for Trust
UNESCO is hosting in Paris the “Internet for Trust” conference to discuss a set of draft global…
Securing digital Inclusion through AI
On Wednesday November 23rd, I4ADA hosted an AI for Good session on “AI and inclusion”. The…
AI: the Global Green Deal
On May 30th SwissCognitive will organize the virtual conference “AI: the Global Green Deal”. I4ADA…
Build Back Wiser
On March 17th 2022 the WFEO-CEIT organized a webinar to celebrate the World Engineering Day….
Magnifying citizen’s voices for Peace
The Voices for Peace invited entrepreneurs from the United States and Europe, international justice lawyers…
How do we trust data in de Digital Age?
I4ADA was invited to be on a panel organized by Voices for Peace to discuss…
AI for Good
In the first AI for Good Keynote of 2022, I4ADA moderated the session with Beena…
“How to develop Accountable AI Solutions?
The webinar “How to develop Accountable AI Solutions?” as part of ITU’s AI for Good…
I4ADA supports launch UNICRI centre for AI and Robotics
On July 10th The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) will launch…
ITU Regional Development Forum, Rome May 6th
ITU partnered for the inaugural Summit of May ’18. I4ADA presented the plans for the…
The Hague Indian Cyber Security Summer School
I4ADA will present one of the classes for the ‘The Hague Indian Cyber Security Summer…
Video Summary AI for Good Global Summit See a (partly Dutch) video summary by Executive People of the ITU AI for…
November 6-7 2019 The Hague Summit for Accountability in the Digital Age
The Hague Summit will focus on safeguarding the role of the internet as a tool…
June 18-20 2019 EuroDIG, The Hague
I4ADA is co-organizer of the session “Testing accountability principles on the discussion of the consolidation…
May 27-31 2019 – AI for Good Global Summit, Geneva, Switerland
The AI for Good Global Summit is the leading United Nations platform for global and…
May 13 2019 360 Meet up Summit ’19, The Hague, The Netherlands
The Institute for Accountability in the Digital Age (I4ADA) would like to invite you for…
A Contract for the Web
The Contract for the web is an effort to bring governments, companies, civil society en…
November 6 2018 – The Need for Digital Peace, The Hague, The Netherlands
With digital attacks on civilians and organisations on the rise, Microsoft, The Hague and The…
September, 28-29 2019 IDUAI, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Frits Bussemaker, chair I4ADA was invited to speak at the 3rd International Day For Universal…
May 31 – June 1st 2018 The Hague Summit for an Accountable & Democratic Internet: The Internet of Values
There are numerous ongoing discussions on the rapid evolution of information technology around the globe…
March 14 2018 China Daily, Hong Kong Interview with China Daily on the need for a Summit on Accountability in the…