The Hague Charter for Accountability in the Digital Age
The ‘The Hague Charter for Accountability in the Digital Age‘ (HCADA) were drafted by the Institute for Accountability in the Digital Age (I4ADA) in collaboration with UNESCO and the city of The Hague to offer a guideline and reference for future discussions on Accountability in the Digital Age. The HCADA may form the basis for the development of instruments on regional, national and international level to uphold Accountability in the Digital Age. I4ADA assumes that adopting the principles will be done on a voluntary basis.
On Friday June 1st 2018 the I4ADA organized the first public consultation of these concept HCADA with the delegates of the Summit. The aim was to assess if these concept HCADA would offer value to the global discussion on Accountability in the Digital Age. The overall assessment of the delegates was that a set of principles would indeed support this discussion.
The feedback given during the Summit and the subsequent offline feedback and suggestions provided after the Summit has resulted in a first version of the HCADA.
Please follow the link to the pdf of version 1.0 of the HCADA.

The I4ADA, as the custodians of the HCADA, has now taken upon itself to organize further public consultations on version 1.0 of the text. The objective of the public consultations is to gain feedback on the text. We invite the global multi-stakeholder community to provide their input. In addition to the online feedback option, I4ADA will organize face to face public consultations. The feedback and results of the public consultations will be posted on this website.
- Please, email feedback to:

Institute for Accountability in the Digital Age (I4ADA)
Postal address I4ADA
Lange Voorhout 1
2514 EA The Hague
The Netherlands
P: +31 (0)70 3184840
Please fill in the form. We’ll contact you shortly.