Director General for Digital Society, Digitization of the Administration and Information Technology at the Federal Ministry of Interior, Building and Community, Germany.
Peter Batt was born in 1955 in Dusseldorf. He is a fully qualified lawyer and until his move to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for construction and homeland in 2009, head of the organization and IT services department of the German Pension Insurance Association. In the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for construction and homeland he was responsible for the subdivision IT I (digital society, IT control, IT strategy, office of the IT planning council). Since May 2016 he is head of the IT department; His duties as IT director include IT I, as well as IT II (IT and cyber security, secure information technology). He is u.a. Chairman of the Advisory Board of “Deutschland sicher im Netz” and member of the Presidential Committee Focus.ICT at DIN. “