Frits Bussemaker, chair I4ADA was invited to speak at the 3rd International Day For Universal Access to Information in the opening panel on the need for Accountability in the Digital Age as a prerequisite for universal access to information.
May 31 – June 1st 2018 The Hague Summit for an Accountable & Democratic Internet: The Internet of Values
There are numerous ongoing discussions on the rapid evolution of information technology around the globe and its impact on individuals, organizations and society as a whole. These discussions range from the global international level of the United Nations to collaboration among cities which often first experience innovations and their impacts. And when these impacts include […]
March 14 2018 China Daily, Hong Kong
Interview with China Daily on the need for a Summit on Accountability in the Digital Age
UNESCO endorses the Summit
UNESCO posted The Hague Summit for Accountability & Internet democracy in their Global events page endorsing and recognizing their partnership with the Summit.
Legal Chatbots as lawyers
Technologies like Ross and Lex Machina are intended to assist lawyers, but AI has also begun to replace them, at least in very straightforward areas of law. A chatbot that provides free legal counsel using AI is now available in all 50 states of USA, Chatbots such as DoNotPay, originally built to fight parking tickets, show the meter could […]