UNESCO is hosting in Paris the “Internet for Trust” conference to discuss a set of draft global guidelines for regulating digital platforms, to improve the reliability of information and protect freedom of expression and human rights. The Institute for Accountability in the Digital Age in invited on one of the panels to share our experience with managing a global discussion. […]
Securing digital Inclusion through AI
On Wednesday November 23rd, I4ADA hosted an AI for Good session on “AI and inclusion”. The session was introduced by CHAESUB Lee director at the International Telecommunication Union. Panel members were Kay Firth-Butterfield, Head of AI and ML and Member executive committee of the World Economic Forum, Laurentien van Oranje-Nassau, co-founder number 5 foundation and Ria Persad Founder & Chair Statweather. The session was hosted by Frits Bussemaker, […]
AI: the Global Green Deal
On May 30th SwissCognitive will organize the virtual conference “AI: the Global Green Deal”. I4ADA was asked to talk on AI and Accountability in the Digital Age. For more information, follow the link
Build Back Wiser
On March 17th 2022 the WFEO-CEIT organized a webinar to celebrate the World Engineering Day. Frits Bussemaker, chair I4ADA was invited to moderate the panel discussion. You can watch the recorded webinar here.
Magnifying citizen’s voices for Peace
The Voices for Peace invited entrepreneurs from the United States and Europe, international justice lawyers and representatives from the Institute for Accountability in the Digital Age based in the Netherlands to gather local and international partners at one table. Together, they discussed the relation between peace, technology and partnerships to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. […]