I4ADA participated in the The International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime & Cybersecurity 2022 was organized from 23rd to 25th November, 2022, (IN VIRTUAL MODE), by Cyberlaws. net and Pavan Duggal Associates, Advocates, Supreme Court of India. The Conference 2022 had different sessions with more than 200 speakers over three-day deliberations from different parts of the world discussing and deliberating upon some of the important aspects, […]
International Conference on Cyberlaw
Securing digital Inclusion through AI
On Wednesday November 23rd, I4ADA hosted an AI for Good session on “AI and inclusion”. The session was introduced by CHAESUB Lee director at the International Telecommunication Union. Panel members were Kay Firth-Butterfield, Head of AI and ML and Member executive committee of the World Economic Forum, Laurentien van Oranje-Nassau, co-founder number 5 foundation and Ria Persad Founder & Chair Statweather. The session was hosted by Frits Bussemaker, […]
IFIP recognizes I4ADA
Frits Bussemaker, chair of I4ADA was recognized for his contribution to the development of Professionalism in ICT. He is the recipient of the ‘David O’Leary Award’ which was presented by Moira De Roche and Anthony Wong at the General Assembly of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
World Innovation Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is the organizer of the World Conference on Innovation technology. September this year the conference was organized in Penang Malaysia (see WCIT2022). I4ADA was invited to lead the plenary panel discussion on the need for Accountability in the Digital Age.
AI: the Global Green Deal
On May 30th SwissCognitive will organize the virtual conference “AI: the Global Green Deal”. I4ADA was asked to talk on AI and Accountability in the Digital Age. For more information, follow the link