Pradeep Gupta, Chairman Cyber Media Group discussing the role of media and Accountability in the Digital Age.
Is the role of media news and other content provider, watch dog, or both? What has the media reporting about (and had influence in) during the past decades. What is it focusing on now and the next years? How does a media organisation implement accountability, both internally as well as externally? How does it cope with being branded as ‘fake news’? How does it deal with such attacks from a technical, digital perspective? Are there national/regional differences through the world? Why do people (like to) believe unverified information, and seem to enjoy echo chambers? How can an accountable media organisation help and share good practices? What are 21st good practices for 21st problems? Who should be at the table to help (further) develop, build, try, implement and improve accountability in the Digital Age? What can start-ups learn and how can they take in these good practices and initiatives? This Dialogue covers all these important queries.